Tattoo-free skin?

Are you tired of living with a tattoo you no longer love? At Empire Day Spa in Melbourne Richmond, we understand the journey of self-discovery and change. Our tattoo removal experts are here to help you say goodbye to regrets and hello to a fresh canvas.

Embrace Tomorrow with a Clean Slate: Tattoo Removal at Empire Day Spa, Melbourne Richmond

Are you haunted by that ink from the past? It's time to bid it farewell. If you’re finding yourself stuck with a tattoo that no longer aligns with your current lifestyle or aesthetic, you can shed the weight of the past. Release yourself from constant reminders of days gone by and embrace the opportunity to rewrite your skin's narrative with Empire Day Spa's cutting-edge Pico Laser Tattoo Removal.

But what if you're not burdened by regrets? Maybe you're looking to transform your tattoo's story, making way for a fresh canvas, ready for a captivating cover-up that signals the beginning of an exciting new chapter. At Empire Day Spa, you have the freedom to choose your new design without compromising due to existing artwork.

Regardless of your motivations, let Empire Day Spa be your trusted partner in rewriting your tattooed history and embarking on a journey of rediscovery.

Our state-of-the-art technology offers unparalleled precision, ensuring a faster, safer, and more comfortable removal experience. Rediscover your true canvas and welcome a fresh start today. Bid farewell to the past and welcome a future free from ink. Click here to schedule your first step toward a clean slate!

Common questions on Tattoo removal in Melbourne Victoria

  • Tattoo removal methods include laser removal, Pico Laser Tattoo Removal, excision, and dermabrasion. The most popular method today is laser removal due to its effectiveness and minimal scarring.

  • Pain levels can vary, but many describe the sensation as similar to a rubber band snap. Modern technologies, like Pico Laser, offer less discomfort and faster sessions.

  • The number of sessions required depends on factors like tattoo size, ink colors, and skin type. On average, 5 to 10 sessions may be needed for full removal.

  • Common side effects include redness and mild swelling, which subside within a few days. Scarring and pigmentation changes are rare when the procedure is performed by a qualified professional.

  • A typical waiting period is 6 to 8 weeks to allow the skin to heal. Your practitioner will provide guidance on session intervals.

  • While many colors can be effectively removed, dark ink colors like black, blue, and green respond best to laser removal. Lighter colors may require more sessions.

  • Tattoo removal costs vary depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo, the number of sessions required, for our price list click here.

    We recommend 5-10 sessions depending on the level of removal you want.

    Consultation with a tattoo removal specialist is the best way to get an accurate estimate.

  • Modern tattoo removal technologies are safe for most skin types, but it's essential to consult with a qualified practitioner who can assess your specific skin type and provide tailored advice.

  • Complete tattoo removal is possible, but some individuals may experience slight remnants of the tattoo, which can be addressed with additional sessions or cover-up tattoos.

  • Aftercare typically involves keeping the treated area clean and protected from the sun. Your practitioner will provide specific post-treatment instructions for optimal healing.

Empire Day Spa Melbourne Richmond Victoria | Your spa, retreat, and stress free zone.

Top Reasons Why Individuals Choose Tattoo Removal Services

The decision to remove a tattoo is often motivated by a range of factors that reflect the evolving nature of personal preferences and life circumstances. Many individuals opt for tattoo removal to address tattoo regrets, whether due to a change in personal taste, a desire for a more professional appearance in the workplace, or the need to eliminate a constant reminder of a past relationship. Others seek tattoo removal as a means to make space for new ink, transforming their canvas for a fresh design or cover-up. Additionally, advancements in tattoo removal technology, like Pico Laser Tattoo Removal, have made the process faster, safer, and more comfortable, encouraging those who were once hesitant to take the step toward a tattoo-free future. These diverse motivations underscore the growing popularity of tattoo removal services at establishments like Empire Day Spa, Melbourne Richmond."

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416 Bridge Rd, Richmond VIC 3121


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(03) 9943 6561
0401 655 203

(Sunday by bookings only)
10 am–8 pm